Not much will trip up an English speaker more than two consonants next to each other that don't seem to match — leading some to try and pronounce this city's name like "luh-joob-luh-jana."

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7 International City Names You Might Be Mispronouncing

Not much will trip up an English speaker more than two consonants next to each other that don't seem to match — leading some to try and pronounce this city's name like "luh-joob-luh-jana."

In the actual pronunciation, the sound changes based on where the "J" is. It should be "loo-blee-AH-nah." Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, located in the middle of this central European country between Italy and Croatia. Though it's Slovenia's largest city and a university town, it's also one of the smallest capital cities in Europe, with a population of less than 300,000.

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