The Most European Cities Outside of Europe
Friday, April 7, 2023
Inspiration for your future travels, curated and delivered daily.

The Most European Cities Outside of Europe | If you're yearning to stroll along picturesque streets surrounded by stunning Gothic, Neoclassical Renaissance, and Baroque-style structures but can't make it to Europe, you have some other options. In addition to glorious, aged buildings, you can find European languages, customs, and cuisine in many cities on every continent. | |
Sponsored by Co-Pilot | Beat Jet Lag and Feel Great With a Single Vitamin | Introducing Co-Pilot All-1 Travel Supplement — the perfect way to support your digestion while on the go! This convenient and easy-to-use supplement is designed specifically for travelers, offering a blend of probiotics, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and herbal extracts to optimize digestion and general well-being. Whether you're road-tripping, flying, or simply need digestive support, All-1 Travel Supplement is an excellent choice. | |
8 UNESCO Sites in Danger of Disappearing | Whether because of natural disasters, armed conflict, or rapid urbanization, the future of 52 UNESCO World Heritage Sites is far from certain. There's no time like the present to witness them for yourself. We've rounded up a mix of deeply important and stunning UNESCO sites to visit before they potentially disappear for good. | |
How 8 U.S. Airports Got Their Names | In our haste to check-in, clear security, and board, many of us pay little attention to the name of the airport through which we travel. But that's a shame. Many are named after people who made significant contributions to their cities. So next time you travel to an airport, try finding out about the person behind the name while you wait at the gate. | |
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posted by June Lesley at 2:20 AM

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