7 Abandoned Places You Can Actually Visit
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
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7 Abandoned Places You Can Actually Visit | Many travelers feel the lure of abandoned places — from ghost towns to deserted villages to medieval ruins. These places seem frozen in time, allowing an eerie glimpse into the past, with astonishing stories about their former inhabitants. The following abandoned sites may be empty, crumbling, and in disrepair — but they're also open to visitors. | |
Sponsored by Naked Wines | Elevate Your Wine Game Without Breaking the Bank | When you choose Naked Wines, you're supporting independent winemakers passionate about their craft. They believe that wine is more than just a drink — it's an experience. By supporting independent winemakers, you're helping traditions stay alive while getting access to some of the best wines in the world. Naked Wines offers a curated selection of 6 wines worth $139.99 for $100 off. | |
The Most Underrated U.S. Capitals | Travelers have always flocked to a handful of high-profile U.S. state capitals because of their fame, publicity, or fortune. There are, however, plenty of others that have so much to offer. Here are some underrated state capitals you should check out. | |
The Best Places to Watch the Sunrise Around the World | Whether you're up early by accident or by design, it's easy to appreciate a good sunrise. Nothing quite beats that early morning symphony of color, especially if you're in the right place for the show. Here are some spots on Earth where you can witness a truly unforgettable display. | |
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posted by June Lesley at 4:26 AM

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