Dear June
Greetings! So sorry to worry you but I am quite disturbed by the distress  which seems to have arisen from Katie's unwanted and uninvited strays and wonder if perhaps I can help. I was there when the wretched mother arrived in her barn. She was upset as  she cannot have felines around...her son and grandchild are allergic to them... but had no idea what to do. She could have drowned the kittens of course, but is too tender hearted. I suggested that she might approach one of the local charities. It seems now that my advice has back fired and that she is being held responsible for the sterilisation of a feral animal which invaded her premises. I understand that she has offered to cover some part of the cost... without prejudice or acceptance of responsibility...when she is able so to do, but that she is  now being harassed by the person who kindly dealt with the situation. I am sure that there has simply been a breakdown in communication
and would be very grateful if you could mediate. Katie simply cannot -and should not-give a home to the feral female and I very much regret that I obviously, though with the best intentions, referred her to an inappropriate solution. I hope that you are well and happy and that you don't mind my intervention. Lots of love Dianaxx

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Diana Sharpe" <>
Date: Nov 24, 2017 10:40 PM
Subject: Re: The Cats!!
To: "Kate oBrien" <>

I am drafting a letter for you to send to this idiotic will be with you tomorrow.You have  no duty to do anything. Don't worry and under no circumstances send her money other than that which you have already promised after Christmas. I will ring you tomorrow .In the meantime do not accept any cats and don't talk to her or anyone else! Sleep well...take care. Huge hugsxxx

On Nov 24, 2017 8:45 PM, "Kate oBrien" <> wrote:
Dear Diana , I am sending you the letter I received this morning from the woman called Elizabeth who took my kittens when I told her I would have them all put down .
No matter how often I tell her that I can't have a cat in the house, she won't accept it.
Darling, this letter upset me so knees went to jelly and I had to sit down!!
Enjoy the warm and friendly atmosphere in Australia.
My prospective buyer is coming at the end of December!!!!  Pray!
Hugs and love, Kate.

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