Welcome to Textfree! Verify your email...
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Hi June Lesley,
Welcome to Textfree! With Textfree you get FREE unlimited texts and pics, plus make phone calls.
Please take a moment to verify your email. It's really important because if you ever forget your password, the only way to recover it is via email. Just click the link and you'll be all set up.
Have questions or need help? Head to our help site, http://pinger.zendesk.com and have a look at the Pinger section.
- team Pinger
P.S. If you're not June Lesley and have never heard of Textfree, we're really sorry! Someone must've typed your email address in by mistake. Just forward this email to us at support@pinger.com and we'll take care of it.
Pinger, Inc., 97 South 2nd Street, Suite 210, San Jose, CA 95113
posted by June Lesley at 3:02 PM

Try 3-Step for FREE in store tomorrow!
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posted by June Lesley at 3:05 AM

Two NEW exclusive products at John Lewis!
Friday, April 4, 2014
posted by June Lesley at 3:03 AM