financial assesment / mortgage
Friday, November 11, 2011
Dear June
It was good to talk to you. Please find attached a financial questionnaire (Client Information Form). I will use this document to identify suitable mortgage schemes and it will also assist us to carry out a financial assessment (on behalf of a housing association). There will be sections of the form that may not be applicable to you. If you are not sure, leave these sections blank and I will deal with them when you return the document.
It is important that the information is accurate, especially in relation to income and financial commitments (loans, credit/store cards, etc.). Please notify me of any matters that could affect a mortgage application such as visa restrictions, credit history etc.
Please return by email.
To carry out a financial assessment, I would appreciate if you would scan and return the following documents
1. 3 months consecutive bank statements
2. Proof of deposit. Bank Statement or gift letter
3. 3 months consecutive pay slips
4. Latest P60
5. Proof of id (passport, driving license)
6 .Proof of address utility bill, council tax, credit card statement
I have also attached a mortgage check list to help with your preparations in submitting a mortgage application.
I have enclosed an Initial Disclosure Document which explains what we do and the level of service you might expect.
If you have any questions relating to these forms or any other matter then please don’t hesitate to contact me
I look forward to hearing from you.
Richard Seager
De Havilland Group Ltd
Tel. 020 7517 0700
Fax. 020 7719 9190
Mobile 07968 822373
13 Angel House
225 Marsh Wall
E14 9FW
de Havilland Group Limited
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posted by June Lesley at 5:03 AM