Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hi June,
How are you? Just thought I'd drop you a line to wish you lots of luck in your exams- I'm sure you will do great! Have you managed to enjoy any of the sunshine? Hope the books aren't keeping you in too much...
I'm really looking forward to getting the project off the ground, lots of work ahead, but it'll be worth it! I have been putting quite a bit of work into the other project I have been working on recently and I think we will have a steady flow of participants (fingers crossed), and I have started a list of potentials that we can dip into. Also, as a result I completely forgot to send the questionnaires to the service user involvement lady for piloting so plan to do that asap! Just one question (although I understand that you have probably got exam overload at the moment), I have had a mental block about which questionnaires she is going to look over? Is it just the *parenting perception scale, *depression, anxiety and stress scale, *perceptions of adult attachment and *perceived social support scale, i.e. the parenting related ones? or do you think it would be better to send her a pack of all 8 questionnaires (plus the two panic?).
Is it the 5th you finish? Perhaps we could meet over some home baking when you're done and construct a plan?
Anyway, lots of luck!!
Speak soon,
posted by June Lesley at 12:25 PM